SIGHUP, a Milan-based engineering company operating as Kubernetes certified distributor and IT servi...
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The office and more precisely the favoured open office set up, became fertile breeding ground for th...
A transition to cloud has been underway for the best part of the last decade, with the current pande...
Technology companies require a broad range of users. Time-to-market or in other words, timely and br...
Digitalized Working Experience
In the long run, digital reality will completely revolutionize most of our daily activities introduc...
Digital Reality Key Enablers
Enterprise wearables solutions (“EWS”) enable products such as smartwatches, wristbands or smart gla...
Digital Reality is not for rich kids anymore - AR, VR, MR technology
The Silicon Valley giants are in the race for the “next big thing”. Some, among which Tim Cook, beli...
La cyber-guerra tra Usa e Cina è un’opportunità per l’Europa (ICT Business)
La “cortina di ferro” degli Anni Venti del Terzo Millennio non si declina in confini territoriali ma...
Drive people to your products and services
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