The defence sector has borne the brunt of the rise of ESG funds, but investors' views have begun to ...
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The importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria has increased among defence co...
Sempre più determinante per apprendimento e formazione, l’educazione digitale guadagna terreno nell’...
Drivers of historical and projected growth of the EdTech market on a global scale include the mentio...
Generative AI’s rapid advancements in especially the last twelve months, and predicted going forward...
Initiatives for digital learning and teaching in is not a post-Covid novelty in Europe, especially i...
La nueva batalla económica se libra a 1.000 kilómetros de la Tierra
Controlar el espacio con satélites se ha convertido en una prioridad para las grandes potencias, per...
The importance of women entrepreneurs in tech
Diverse workforces are beneficial to businesses, according to research. Gender, ethnicity, and age d...
Drive people to your products and services
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