
Generative AI and Insurance

Written by Klecha & Co. | Jul 17, 2024 10:43:40 AM

Artificial intelligence isn’t new in insurance, think of risk modeling, data forecasting, claims handling and contact center operations. Generative AI however presents fully new possibilities.

Facts and numbers

According to research by Accenture, insurance is the industry to have the second largest impact from Generative AI, with nearly half of insurance tasks identified at high potential for automation and only 12% with no potential, and fourth according to a 2023 research paper by OpenAI.

According to McKinsey, AI carries a global $1.1 trillion value opportunity for the insurance industry, where approximately $400 billion relates to pricing, underwriting, and promotion technology, and $300 billion from AI-powered customer service and personalized offerings.

In Q1’24, 28% of global Insurtech deals, and a third of VC Insurtech funding, went to AI-centred Insurtech firms. The trend seems to be that Generative AI has its first and foremost impact in customer-facing processes, with claims assessments and fraud prevention being other reaching a greater level of sophistication.